1、按下 “Ctrl+Alt+Del” 後點擊 “啟動工作管理員”;
2、在選項位置選擇 “服務”,然後隨意選中一個服務,點擊右鍵後選擇 “打開服務”(這裡打開工作管理員的時候找不到服務選項的話,在工作管理員左下角點擊“詳細資訊”即可);
3、然後在視窗右側找到並按兩下 “User manager” 服務;
4、將該服務的啟動類型修改為 “自動” 後關閉視窗;
5、按下 “Ctrl+Alt+Del” 複合鍵,選擇登出或重啟即可。
1. 打開c槽
2. 打開windows
3. 打開system32
4. 往下拉到 cmd
5. 按右鍵以系統管理員身分執行
6. 打入sfc /
7. 讓他跑完
8. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
9. 讓他跑完
10. 重開機,試試看是否能解決問題
If Quick Access in Windows 10 is not working, then do the following:
2. If not, then open File Explorer and paste the following folder paths in the address bar and hit Enter.
3. Once the folder is opened, press Ctrl+A to select all its contents.
4. Do the same for both the above-mentioned folders.
5. Restart your Windows 10 computer and see if it has helped fix the problem.
[This will also help you fix a broken Recent Items in Jump List problem.]