
Windows 10 Critical Error Solution

1、按下 “Ctrl+Alt+Del” 後點擊 “啟動工作管理員”;
2、在選項位置選擇 “服務”,然後隨意選中一個服務,點擊右鍵後選擇 “打開服務”(這裡打開工作管理員的時候找不到服務選項的話,在工作管理員左下角點擊“詳細資訊”即可);
3、然後在視窗右側找到並按兩下 “User manager” 服務;
4、將該服務的啟動類型修改為 “自動” 後關閉視窗;
5、按下 “Ctrl+Alt+Del” 複合鍵,選擇登出或重啟即可。

1. 打開c槽
2. 打開windows
3. 打開system32
4. 往下拉到 cmd
5. 按右鍵以系統管理員身分執行
6. 打入sfc /scannow
7. 讓他跑完
8. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
9. 讓他跑完
10. 重開機,試試看是否能解決問題

If Quick Access in Windows 10 is not working, then do the following:
1. First disable Quick Access and then r-enable it and see if it helps.
2. If not, then open File Explorer and paste the following folder paths in the address bar and hit Enter.


3. Once the folder is opened, press Ctrl+A to select all its contents. Now right-click and select Delete, to delete all the files in the folder.
4. Do the same for both the above-mentioned folders.
5. Restart your Windows 10 computer and see if it has helped fix the problem.

[This will also help you fix a broken Recent Items in Jump List problem.]

